Rose's New Album "Songs of Hope" available! on Apple Music and Spotify!

Rose performs at the Seoul Arts Center
Watch Rose perform Cats Memory
against her peers in this Diva Showdown.
Rose Jang available for purchase
Latest News
Rose's new album "Songs of Hope" has debuted on Apple Music and Spotify!
Rose is set to perform at many other dates in New York, Philly, Washington, London and France and a second solo concert at Lincoln Center!
On May 6th, 2019, Rose performed a solo concert at Carnegie Hall in conjunction with Legendary Conductor Park Sang Hyun and Met Opera Tenor and Soloist Jinho Hwang.
On October 11, 2018, Rose later performed at the legendary Pierre Hotel Grand Ballroom for the The New York Center For Living's 10th anniversary charity gala with society bandleader Alex Donner and his orchestra.
On October 11, 2018, Rose performed for the United Nations singing the anthems of both South Korea and the USA for Korea's Independence Day.
On October 5, 2018, Rose performed for a fundraiser gala where many important mayors, senators, and congressmen from various states were in attendance.
On February 25, 2018, Rose performed for the Pyongchang Olympics touring throughout South Korea.
On December 4, 2017, Rose performed for the opening of Hong Kong’s most prized events in Kowloon.
On November 15, 2017, Rose was in Thailand recording new material for her upcoming album.
On October 25, 2017, Rose performed for the Korean American Alliance Association in Seoul. She performed the national anthems of both South Korea and the United States of America for the likes of many world leaders and dignitaries.
On March 26, 2017, Rose performed in Washington, D.C. for an annual benefit in front of an audience of highly distinguished guests including senators and governors from Maryland and Virginia.
Check out Rose Jang in the Seoul Journal.
On December 8th 2015, Rose Jang performed a full Christmas concert for the Korean Chamber of Commerce.
Rose Jang has been recording and will be ready to release her single and music video shortly.
On October 2015, Rose Jang was invited to sing the opening of the Korean Festival show in Seoul. The Korean Festival was hosted by the Korean government that invited successful artists living abroad representing 7 million Korean immigrants all over the world. Rose Jang was representing the USA. She sang from "The Songs of Hope" such as “Over the Rainbow” and “Nella Fantasia” in front of President Park and over two thousand Korean representatives abroad (heads of regional associations outside Korea). She also sang Arirang, the most popular Korean folk song together with the Yoon Dohyun band, the top Korean rock band and artists from abroad.
One can watch the YTN TV clips.
The event also celebrated a 150 year history of Korean immigration to Russia and the forced resettling of Korean nationals during the Japanese invasion to Korea from the Pacific to Russia to Central Asia which is now Ukraine, Turkemenistan, Kazakstan and Uzebekistan.
On August 15th 2015, Rose Jang performed a benefit celebrating The Korean Independence Day at the Englewood Presbyterian Church with Metropolian Tenor Yang Ji and Baritone Kun Yang.
On June 29 2015, Rose Jang performed a benefit at the Calvary Church with tenor Yang Ji.
On September 25th 2013, Rose Jang performed for the Korea Society in NYC at the Plaza for the 60th Anniversary of the U.S. Korea Alliance and The Korean War Armistice. She performed in front of distinguished members of the United Nations and for those nations who assisted South Korea during the Korean War.
8/12/13 Rose Jang is in London working on a benefit single and was recently featured on the BBC website. Click here to read.
10/13/12 Rose Jang closes the Royal Horse of the Year show in Birmingham, England with "God Save the Queen." Aired on Sky TV Sports UK.
9/15/12 Rose Jang is featured in the fashion
story entitled "Power Women of New York" in Cosmopolitan Magazine.
December 26, 2021
Rose Jang's New Single Nella Fantasia available for download.

Rose's new single O Mio Babbino Caro is now on Apple Music, Spotify and Amazon Music!

Rose Jang live at Seoul Arts Center

Rose Jang live at Seoul Arts Center

Rose Jang live at Seoul Arts Center